Elena Anosova builds on her complex project «Beyond the Boundaries» (Yekaterinburg, 2017). For Urgent Perspectives #3, Elena Anosova develops a sculpture that refers to the historical context and the original function of a well, which also served as the public meeting place of the villagers in their native Siberia. The rectangular shape of the fountain, with a mirror on the bottom, is taken up by Elena Anosova as a reference to Instagram and the exponentially growing amount of information, in which viewers are mirrored as a contemporary «Narcissus», being exposed on the border between the macrocosm and the microcosm. The artist questions our treatment of information, technologies and «extensions» as prostheses, as extensions of our body in space, and thus anthropocentrism, which serves as an essential point of reference for defining spheres of knowledge.
The exhibition will be 25 Aprile till 4 May 2019, Aa collections Reindorfgasse 9/2/R01, 1150 Vienna

Open Call в онлайн-лабораторию с Еленой Аносовой и Ольгой Матвеевой

Primavera / Still life shop of artist prints

Interview for MUSÉE Magazine

A joint exhibition by Elena Anosova and Olivier Cablat — Dream Team — will open at the Citadel in Calais, France

All the World

Human.Kind / Musée international de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge, Geneve